New Lawn in Charlotte, North Carolina

 alt='I have had the pleasure of working with Jimmy and US Lawns. Jimmy has been an amazing person to work with'

U.S. Lawns - Charlotte South

4.4 from 79 reviews

Address 5809 Old Pineville Rd, Charlotte, NC 28217

Phone Number +17045254299

Offers Landscaper > New Lawn

"As of the company itself, my community grounds and upkeep speaks for itself!"
"We certainly have the best clients and staff in town!"

 alt='Called The Wizard of Sod out a few months back. Being a new homeowner I had 0 knowledge of any yard care'

The Wizard Of Sod & More

4.5 from 32 reviews

Address 6108 Bittersweet Ln, Charlotte, NC 28270

Phone Number +17048070667

Offers Landscaper > New Lawn

"The second time, he's called, texted and emailed, and no response."
"Marc and staff were professional and responded promtly."